The Oscars 2016

IMG_3129It was all about diversity or lack of it, which seems to be an issue not only at the Oscars but this election cycle.

I don’t understand too much about that because I look at everyone as a person of worth and love just as long as they are kind to me and give me attention that I deserve. OK, that was my PSA for the week.

As for our reality the parentals are busy as ever. Mom continues to expand her expertise in Motivational Interviewing and coding tapes for fidelity to the language along with helping others understand the importance of behavior change.

Of course Dad has his cranky pants on as it is tax season and he is definitely not effervescent. He gets irritated at me when I steal his pens and lay on all the papers. That’s OK, as I have been getting him back. You see, I have become a master at really making him crazy.

Lately every chance I get I go find Dad’s wallet and take it outside. He literally panicked this week since he thought he lost his wallet. Mom figured it out and told him to search in the backyard.  I’m not sure what the big deal was – I had just put it on the patio in plain sight.  Lately he has been hiding it better from me. It is still nice to know that even after 4 years of hanging out with him I can still make him crazy.

Our weather has been a bit schizophrenic with bouts of warm and cold all mixed up.  Mom usually has her little heater on during breakfast and I’ve been known to “steal” whatever warmth there is – remember I have no hair so I need all the warmth I can get.

As for the weather today we had some June gloom intermixed with 70’s weather which was nice for my walk with Mom before the red carpet began.

Stay safe people and be kind to others.



Perry Pipes In

IMG_3126Can you believe we are almost a third of the way through this election year already? It is crazy how time flies when you get older. That’s OK with me, I spend more time resting in the sun then I did in my youth.

Things have been crazy as they always at Casa de Perry. It is tax season and as usual Dad has his cranky pants on, Mom is being sought after to share her Motivational Interviewing skills to help people’s lives and as for me I continue to watch the birds, squirrels and that dreaded Sherlock Holmes dog next store.

Some exciting news was that I did get to go to my camp in the country last week since Dad was in Ohio racking up four more godchildren and Mom was speaking at a couple of engagements. I had fun because I was free of them for a few days. I needed a break.

Glad I was back in time to help Mom make some of her gluten free cookies from, A Healthy Baker’s Dozen, for a book signing in Malibu at Bank of Books. I will miss that activity as they say I need to stay home and watch the house. Don’t they get it I would be a selling feature?

The weather has been a little schizophrenic with rain, sun and chill. It was a party sunny 68 degrees in Santa Monica today so I can’t complain too much.

Well people – enjoy the political primaries and remember to be kind to others…



Un-PC Perry

Version 2Hello Voters?

The Iowa Caucuses are in full swing and we are all waiting with anticipation to find out what the outcome will be.

The 2016 presidential campaign remains a political circus and all the candidates need some Teflon to deflect the mud slinging. The campaign dollars, superpacs, and all the flip-flopping is taking a toll on the American people’s patience.

Hillary is running from the Bern and Ted is trying to cover Donald’s hair with maybe a Canadian flag?? They are all hash tag CRAZY and consuming the air out of the real issues at hand or at least I feel that way. But then again, I am just a dog.

When I go on my walks I try and be kind to all those cross my path. There are dogs of different colors, sizes and breeds, and the little purse dogs make me nervous. But these dogs and their differences is which can make life exciting and visually appealing. If we all looked the same then what would life’s purpose be?

PerryandJeffreyMy wish for all of you this season is to be respectful of people’s choices even if they are not inline with your own. Getting mad, angry or mean is not a Perry approved option.

That’s my political commentary and I am sticking to it. Unless of course it involves peanut butter and then I am checked out.

AND one of my favorite girlfriends Auntie Chris came and chilled with me on Friday night – she came over to celebrate 20 years of friendship with Mom – probably longer than I will be alive and took a picture of Dad and I before she left.

We had some rain today in Santa Monica and lots of wind but Mom and I managed a walk this afternoon so all is well from the Weather Weimaraner!

Love Perry