June Gloom, Fireworks and Earthquakes

It’s June gloom in Santa Monica, I’m still headache hungover from the July 4th cacophony of noise and to top it off I’m queasy due to 2 earthquakes we had in the last 24 hours. Dad put my Thundershirt on me which helped a smidge. I’m sorry I’ve been MIA for a while. Mom has been crazy busy with trainings, patients and book writing and Dad has been taking some classes – hence less overall time with ME.

I’m not saying I’m that neglected but since it should be about ME all the time this has been a bit disconcerting.  To top it off I’ve developed a sore on my leg and I might have to go to the vet next week.  So things are pretty status quo around here unless you think earthquakes are exciting. Last might it was 7.1 and the house shook a LOT. We are thankful nothing happened or was broken. Dad has been praying.

Besides that all is well in the Dopart-Batchelor household.  We will try to write more often and hope all of you are having a nonevent summer – safer that way.

Much Love,

The Weather Weimaraner

It’s ALMOST Christmas!

It’s getting more interesting around Casa de Perry as we have this large plant in the middle of the living room with lots of interesting things hanging on it. It also glows and I’m fascinated by it all.  However, better than that Dad is cooking up all these fun foods and of course I get to sample MOST of what he cooks – I say most since not all – which I am bummed about but at least the scoobie snacks are more prevalent.

I’ve decided to calm down in my older days and sleep in since it’s been cold – even for Santa Monica. However, I am known as the “heater hog” as I put my face and eyes into whatever is warm. Dad keeps warning me that I’m going to burn my eye sockets out but I don’t think he realizes how us Weims are infallible – at least with respect to most things.

I have this thing on my body that keeps me warm but it’s a pain and I’m not loving it.  I am loving that the parentals have been around more than usual over the holidays and I’ve gotten TWO whole walks a day.  Besides the gentle-leader that I have a distaste for it’s great since people yell out the window of their car how beautiful I am as I prance by.

Hope you all have a Happy Holiday or Hanukkah – whichever you celebrate.  I celebrate all holidays as long as they involve treats.

Love Perry

Almost 7 Year Report Card

Hello Everyone,

It’s getting close to my 7 year birthday – well almost.  I’ll be 7 years old in January and sometimes I act my age but most of the time NOT! It drives the parentals crazy but it keeps me young. Mom has to have headshots in 2 weeks for her new website so she was practicing on me. I don’t like to have my picture taken as opposed to William Wegman’s Weims so she had to do a little convincing for this shot.

So in honor of my almost birthday my report card is as follows:

The things I am better at:

  1. I sleep in till 6:30 or 7 – this is a huge improvement from my 5-5:30 days of young
  2. Walking Mom to the door when she leaves in the am – I give her a sad look but she tells me her patients need her – what about me?
  3. I’m much more cuddly than I used to be but I still choose which days I want to be close or distant
  4. I’m great at communicating my needs!  Mom says it is not in a Motivational Interviewing way since I am not subtle when I want to be fed, covered, etc.

Things I still need improvement on:

  1. Pulling on the leash – I’m not sure this can get better especially if I see a squirrel
  2. Barking at dogs that do their business on my lawn – they are NOT being neighborly and I tell them so
  3. When I want to be covered up with a blanket in the middle of the night I go to one of the parentals and breathe hot panting air in their faces till they get up and cover me
  4. I am still the famous RELOCATOR of items. If I’m mad at Mom I’ll take her shoes in the backyard and hide them; I’ve been known to hide Dad’s wallet on occasion on the patio. I don’t damage anything – I just change the location and of course since I’m “just a dog” I can’t seem to remember where the item was relocated to!

So that’s the report. If you want to know more you’ll have to come for a visit. The weather in Santa Monica has finally become more temperate after our HOT summer weather and fall is finally in the air. Hope you all have a great fall and I’ll be in touch soon!

Love Perry

I’m SIX Years OLD!

I’m SIX: I’m finally at the “supposed to be” calming stage that most dogs hit at two but somehow it just hasn’t quite happened yet. I LOVE to exercise and get in my walks and still have lots of energy to spare. I’m way more energetic than the parentals but that’s not saying much since they are both almost a 1/2 a decade old.

My birthday was coming and I was feeling a little down and all of a sudden I smelt something or should I say I HEARD something and then I knew “the Tutu” was coming.  For most of you that don’t know this girl she is sort of this bossy gal who makes a lot of noise and steals my toys. I do secretly kind of like her, but I heard her coming and braced myself for the unexpected.  She came bearing birthday gifts from Beverly Hills so I must have done something right. These cookies were SO fancy that Dad even tried to eat one.  But we had to make sure that these fancy show cookies from Pussy Pooch were gluten-free as I am SENSITIVE and had a bad reaction in the past. But Tutu’s Mom made sure they were okay – she hooked me up with some birthday fun so I’m feeling better now.

Once we got the okay I was able to have a pre-birthday cookie in sheer SIX year old fashion – I chose the pretty blue star and here I am anticipating the deliciousness I am about to experience in my mouth. Life has been good in the Dopart-Batchelor house and I’ve missed all of you. As usual lots going on with books, trainings and work but I’m just glad to be a part of it all.

Happy New Year to all of you in 2018!



P.S. – I almost forgot my weather report. After only .12 inches of rain all year we are about to get a deluge of 2 inches so hopefully my back yard will start to turn from brown to green!

I’ve Regressed in my Older Years

IMG_6120I know things are happening in the Punky Household – lots of changes with websites, new books, Mom’s training and everyone seems to be going in multiple directions.

All I know is I want my FOOD 24/7 and if I’m not fed on time I get cranky and annoying to the parentals.  After all, I am 40 in human years so it just makes sense that I would want my food on time. Unfortunately, they are on to me and know I try to corral them around breakfast and dinner time.  I usually start my plan of attack 45 minutes ahead, and herd Dad in the direction of the kitchen.

When that does not work I will find something to bark at in my “outside voice” inside and if THAT does not work, I know the mail man comes 5 minutes before dinner. I will rush to grab the mail and bite off a part of the envelope to really get Dad’s attention. It sometimes becomes a game for who can get to the slot first. Usually I prevail since I have 4 legs and can get there quicker than the middle-aged man.

Since nectarines are in season Dad has been eating them and he last week he slyly put part of one on the back of the counter with a pit. I showed him and ate the whole thing, pit and all. He was nervous that he was going to have to pay for an expensive surgery but thank goodness, I was able to get throw it up in the middle of the night – I guess I was not aware something like that could happen.  It’s just a little old pit, right?

I think that is all that is new.  I am sorry I’ve been MIA but it was REALLY hot in Casa de Perry – about 95 to be exact and we have no cool air in this Casa and it tired me out a bit. I even had to lay my head on the coffee table here as you see. Thank goodness Fall is almost here. The Weather Weimaraner wants to move to cooler weather but for now Santa Monica is my home.



No Road Trip for Me

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Sorry I’ve been MIA – the parents have been busy so here’s the news:

Dad decided to venture way up north to his old stomping grounds for his 30th school class reunion and sent me off to the country. Maybe he needed a break from me, but doesn’t he realize I never need a break from him? I live for ruling this house and when he sends me away I don’t get to get under the Parentals’ skin.

Not to worry my dear ones…when I got back I gave them an extra doses of love, hugs, and annoyance. For example, this morning when I took Mom on a walk I decided I needed to share with the neighborhood by marking every few feet. I took advantage of the lush grass and I was like a dog in the candy store with green lawns. Finally, Mom got upset with me and told me the walk was not a bathroom buffet and took back control of “my” walk.

AND Mom’s new book came out 101 Ways to Control your Diabetes.  Of course I am featured in the book as I always remember to walk and eat healthfully but I guess the humans need something to remind them.

I have been pretty docile lately because it has been super-hot and all I want to do is lounge trying to find the coolest place in Casa de Perry which is a difficult thing to do right now. I do muster up the strength to bark at the annoying neighbor dog who still continues to push my buttons.

I would like to report how good I was while getting my Mani/Pedi after my return from the country. I have been trying out this new place which comes to me – hence avoiding the LA traffic. You know how I love being pampered. Detail Dog is a great service and you should give them a try.  See how good I was when Phoebe was clipping my nails.  I smelled fresh and clean after it was all said and done so I’m all ready for any summer guests!

OK, off to sit by my swamp cooler as it’s the usual 85 degrees in our house today!  I figured you had missed the Weather Weimaraner report.



I’m Still Good for SOMETHING…

IMG_5705Mom had to do something called a WEBINAR for those trying to learn that language she teaches called Motivational Interviewing.  I’m not sure how this is helpful since all I saw her doing was talking to a computer.  Even I can do that without too much effort but if that’s the way people learn I guess it’s a good thing.


Apparently the organizers of the webinar did not want her to use some of her pictures so I had to step in and make it right.  In motivational interviewing you are supposed to be dancing with your clients versus a tug of war.  Since I frequently dance with Dad that’s a no brainer and I have been known to have a tug of war with him now and then.

We all know dancing is so much easier than fighting but sometimes people forget that concept and resort to trying to tell people what to do.  So if you truly want to learn how to help people this is the language to learn.  Unfortunately it does not seem to work on canines but I’m happy to help out where I can.



Paper Trail

FullSizeRender-2Hello People,

I know it has been ages since I have reached out to you all. I have to admit I’ve been more than busy keeping the parentals on their toes. They have been downsizing and going through everything, including my toys. Apparently our house is not in “carry on” shape.

Last week I watched Dad spend 10 hours shredding paper. Mom has been going through files and closets and I have not been receiving the special attentions and affections I so need. This lack of attention has frustrated me so every chance I get I find her shoes and take them outside. Of course my excuse is I want to be close to her.  She hasn’t been so happy searching for her shoes in the mornings.


It is also tax season and that makes it even more stressful. My house has become a flux of paper. Look, they have even taken over MY chair and have resorted to using ME as a shelf.

OK, just wanted to pop into all of your lives for a second and let you know I’m still alive and well.  However, if you want some Perry love please feel free to drop by but leave your papers at home since we have enough here to last a while.



I Run the Schedule

img_5231The parentals may think they rule the roost in the Dopart-Batchelor house but secretly it is I PERRY who dictates what happens here.  The only thing I have not been able to control lately is the rain and there’s been a LOT of it.  Dad even had to go in the back yard with his high boots to wade through it all.  I was smart enough to stay in the house  – that’s what we Weims are known for – that we are smarter than our owners.

So here’s what I do:  6 am if the parentals are not up I start to scratch and itch so they can hear the ching-ching of my collar.  If that doesn’t get them up I go to Dad’s side of the bed first and then Mom’s side.  Eventually one of them gets up so we can all get started on our routine.

img_5721I’ve trained them to put on the little space heaters in the dining room and bathroom so I can go from heater to heater to soak up all the warmth in the house.  You may remember I don’t have much hair and am prone to chills more than other canines – can’t imagine what my friends in Germany do but glad I’m not one of them.

I did rise to nursing status this week when Dad had a colonoscopy – he was sad and cold so I laid on the floor with him to help him feel better but it seemed to take a long time.  Thank goodness canines don’t have to have cancer prevention procedures like that!

Anyway, Mom is busy with her Motivational Interviewing trainings and the new book on diabetes which will hopefully go to print this month. I know it will help a lot of people with their health.  My health is fine since I eat my broccoli every day and Mom gives me my probiotic and fish oil all at breakfast – that’s also part of the schedule but that one I don’t have to worry about controlling .

Hope you are all having a good year so far and I’ll check in again soon. If you all watched the Superbowl today I hope your team won and you ate some healthy food.





My Christmas Guest

img_5634It’s been a busy month around our house with food testing, and doing “year end” things as Dad calls them. It seems like it’s always about food in our house which is A-OK by me.

Last week we had a little furry visitor named Viva. You may recall she came two years ago for the Christmas holiday. I couldn’t help myself but I was a little cold the first day as I had to share my toys, my bed, my favorite chair AND the parentals.

However, I did warm up to having her around since there were extra toys to play with, more walks and treats. She did have this wonderful habit of leaving her food in her bowl which I’ve never even thought of doing.  I tried to eat her food but unfortunately Mom watched the whole time so I could not even sneak a bite.

I thought she was trying to take over but on the second evening she actually put her paw on mine trying to show her appreciation – it was very sweet.

When it came time for Viva to leave, Mom was beyond surprised that I whined a little bit that my lady friend was leaving, but then life changed and I was on to the next adventure.  Thanks to all for following my blog this year and let’s hope the New Year will bring more love, treats and peace to all man and caninekind.

The weather has been pretty cold for LA and it’s actually been raining – a phenomena we rarely experience here.

Love Perry