Dad Has lost his Mind!

IMG_2712I had a break from the parental units this past week and it was most excellent. I got to hang out in the country and play/run around with my people. However, as I am getting older (almost 3½) I am a little more chilled.

Mom was teaching people Motivational Interviewing this week at a wonderful place called Family HealthCare Network in Visalia, California. I hear it is by the Sequoia National Park which is very beautiful, although I have not visited there yet. Dad was impressed this town did not have ANY parking meters like they do everywhere else and the people were really nice.

However, thank goodness Dad did not get me a gift. He wanted to bring back a baby Pygmy goat for me as an early Christmas present. Can you imagine? A little bigger PITA all up in my grill daily – that’s all I need! Not a good option. Apparently pops had a little crush and Mom was even on board. Traders!

Thank goodness Dad came to his senses after he did his usual investigation to ad nauseam and found out his little furry friends would have been more problem then cuteness. Saved by the bell!

Plus, I would not want to share the spotlight…my video of my head in the box has had 1,100 views and that is way cool for this dog.

The weather has been pleasant 65 degrees in Santa Monica.  Summer is almost here!

Peace out Perry!

Everyone’s on MY Schedule

punkytreatsThat’s right.  I’m up at 6 am or 5:30 like I was this morning.  NO one sleeps in at our house.  What is with these parentals?   Dad was not happy with me this morning and Mom got to sleep in a little but then I proceeded to walk up and down the hall shaking my head till she got up at 7 am.   It’s gotten to the point where Dad has to take a nap every afternoon to recover from my morning routine.

I thought it was time to check in on my current report card and needs for improvement.

The Good:

1.  I have been left outside my crate multiple times up to 5 hours without any disturbance in the house.  When Mom and Dad come home I am sitting politely in my chair or in my crate of my own accord.  I still have not graduated to full access status but hopefully soon.

2.  I have not chewed any pens for quite some time.  I never did go to pen’s anonymous but somehow I was able to get over my addiction on my own. Dad left a pen on the table this past week when I was home alone and I noticed it but decided to leave it alone since I’ve been a bit naughty in other areas (below).

3.  I continue to be loving to all those I meet (minus the squirrels) and allow every child and adult to pet and love on me when I meet them.

Needs for Improvement:

1.  I still continue to pull on the leash when we walk.  I’m not sure I will ever outgrow that one.

2.  When Mom and Dad are home (as opposed as when they are gone) I become a bit unruly and want constant attention all the time.  I still drag all the things out of my “toy chest” and string them all over the house.

3. I “stole” the new scooby snack bag my new blonde friend Debra brought last weekend (it was mine remember) and ate the entire bag in the backyard while Mom and Dad were watching one of their shows.  My dinner was delayed that night since I had more than a full tummy.

4.  I continue to bark at squirrels and dogs walking by my house (how dare they come near my domain?)

I know to the parentals it feels like I’m not improving sometimes.  Mom commented that I am 32 in human years and needed to act more mannerly – asking for my treats, letting her sleep in since it is a rare occasion and being the “show” dog that I was designed to be.  Maybe some day, but not this week.

It was a beautiful day today in Santa Monica although we are having a little pre “June Gloom” as they call it which is fine with me since it’s cooler on my walks.

Happy Memorial Day to all of you and try not to eat too much at those BBQ’s or at least save some of the treats for me.  I’m still trying to get more treats today as you can see by this picture. It’s my favorite place to sit for whatever yummy bite drops of a new recipe I can get my chops on.

Love Perry

Perry Prefers Blondes

IMG_2694I know people it has been a few weeks since I have shared my adventures with all of you but I have been busy and a little self-absorbed which is nothing new of course.

Over Mother’s Day weekend my Mom was out-of-town visiting family in NJ while my Auntie Wendy came for a visit. It was so nice considering she is a blonde and you know my infatuation with the ladies in general –especially blonds. She was so fun to hang out with and she got Dad out of the house…

We went for a long walk along the beach in Venice and saw all the peoples on the boardwalk, which made me happy because I got extra attention from strangers. It was a lazy weekend and I was a little sad as I missed my mommy but she had a good time with her aunts and grandma.

When Mom got back, we had to prepare for a houseguest who was coming for one of Mom’s MI trainings and guess what?   She was blonde as well, so I was in blonde heaven!

I just want to report that I have been a good boy for the most part…my only real weakness is that squirrel PITA who continually irritates me by hanging out on the fence making squeaky noises which gets me really going. He goes back and forth on the fence to taunt me so I finally have to get outside and chase him. …perhaps he is not a safe friend.

One bad thing did happen and I got into more than a little trouble with Dad. However, it really was not ALL my fault. Henry (the dog next store who looks like a little Sherlock Holmes) likes to start fights with me. He prances across the driveway and up to MY windows, and barks which really gets my goat.

This week Dad and I got home from an errand and I was trying to wait for the signal to get out of the car. Suddenly I saw that little thing lying in wait and I took off. Of course Dad was using his outside voice to calm me down but the adrenaline kicked in and we were off.

The next thing I realized in my fit of angst was I was on a leash without a parental holding on and I took advantage and tore off down the street. This made Dad crazy and he screamed for me to come back. There were cars in the street which to my credit I did avoid but what really got me going was when he yelled, “fine go kill yourself” and turned around and walked away.

What? Did he did not care?

Then I got a little nervous so I turned around and ran back to him. I realized he must have been using some reverse psychology, but it worked.

Dad 1 – Perry 0

The weather in Santa Monica is a cloudy 65 degrees today. We are thankful it did rain a few inches, which were desperately needed in Los Angeles to help our drought situation. Please send water if you have any to spare.



The Lazy Days of Spring…

IMG_2687Do you see this look on my face people? Yep – that is right I want to play and do something of substance and it seems the parental’s want a mellow day! What on earth is a mellow day? Seriously, if I am moving and getting into all sorts of trouble why cannot my pack follow suit?

As usual at Casa de Perry we have been on the go. Mom last weekend was in Albuquerque, New Mexico speaking at a Sweet Success conference to the Navajo Diabetes Educators. Apparently she had a good time WITHOUT me since I’m not allowed to travel on planes. I’m not so great in the car so planes might be challenging for me.

Next week Mom is off to Massachusetts again for another Motivational Interviewing training and then to see Auntie Marjorie in New Jersey. Dad and I will be staying at home to have a boy’s week, which I love because that means extra snacks and playtime in the house.

After Mom gets back they are planning a few trainings in Central California, which I am excited about because I will get to hang out in the country.  I’m not sure what the motivating is all about since I’m plenty motivated to do what needs to be done so I”m not sure why these humans need that?  Shows we are still the superior race!

I did hear Dad talk about maybe going up to SLO in July to visit my grandparents and hang out with family up there. I do like a good road trip, although it requires that car thing again.  Hmmm…

Well that is a quick update folks so back to lounging on this mellow weekend. Probably a lot of people are having a mellow weekend because it was a big one with the Kentucky Derby and the Mayweather / Pacquiao fight which we did not watch either.

The weather in Santa Monica is a bright, warm 75 degrees. By the way, did I tell you Mom keeps looking at her wrist? She’s more than a bit obsessed with her new thing I believe they call an Apple Watch. Apparently she’s one of the only people in town that seems to have one. She says it helps her keep track of her “steps” whatever that means.  I’m not sure why it’s important since I get LOTS Of those but as long as that shiny thing is not more special than ME!

Love Perry