June Gloom, Fireworks and Earthquakes

It’s June gloom in Santa Monica, I’m still headache hungover from the July 4th cacophony of noise and to top it off I’m queasy due to 2 earthquakes we had in the last 24 hours. Dad put my Thundershirt on me which helped a smidge. I’m sorry I’ve been MIA for a while. Mom has been crazy busy with trainings, patients and book writing and Dad has been taking some classes – hence less overall time with ME.

I’m not saying I’m that neglected but since it should be about ME all the time this has been a bit disconcerting.  To top it off I’ve developed a sore on my leg and I might have to go to the vet next week.  So things are pretty status quo around here unless you think earthquakes are exciting. Last might it was 7.1 and the house shook a LOT. We are thankful nothing happened or was broken. Dad has been praying.

Besides that all is well in the Dopart-Batchelor household.  We will try to write more often and hope all of you are having a nonevent summer – safer that way.

Much Love,

The Weather Weimaraner

I’m SIX Years OLD!

I’m SIX: I’m finally at the “supposed to be” calming stage that most dogs hit at two but somehow it just hasn’t quite happened yet. I LOVE to exercise and get in my walks and still have lots of energy to spare. I’m way more energetic than the parentals but that’s not saying much since they are both almost a 1/2 a decade old.

My birthday was coming and I was feeling a little down and all of a sudden I smelt something or should I say I HEARD something and then I knew “the Tutu” was coming.  For most of you that don’t know this girl she is sort of this bossy gal who makes a lot of noise and steals my toys. I do secretly kind of like her, but I heard her coming and braced myself for the unexpected.  She came bearing birthday gifts from Beverly Hills so I must have done something right. These cookies were SO fancy that Dad even tried to eat one.  But we had to make sure that these fancy show cookies from Pussy Pooch were gluten-free as I am SENSITIVE and had a bad reaction in the past. But Tutu’s Mom made sure they were okay – she hooked me up with some birthday fun so I’m feeling better now.

Once we got the okay I was able to have a pre-birthday cookie in sheer SIX year old fashion – I chose the pretty blue star and here I am anticipating the deliciousness I am about to experience in my mouth. Life has been good in the Dopart-Batchelor house and I’ve missed all of you. As usual lots going on with books, trainings and work but I’m just glad to be a part of it all.

Happy New Year to all of you in 2018!



P.S. – I almost forgot my weather report. After only .12 inches of rain all year we are about to get a deluge of 2 inches so hopefully my back yard will start to turn from brown to green!

How’s That WALL working OUT?

fullsizerenderAs you can see that Trump Wall concept really didn’t work out. But then again, from this advantage point I can look out for Hillary to see if she is having any substantial press conferences. All I can gather is politics are more dysfunctional than the neighbor’s dog and my relationship, which is extremely cantankerous.

gabbsI did have a few visitors. The Gabbs came over to see me and give me the proper attention and affections I so require – there are 5 of them, although only 4 came but there was enough loves, hugs and pets to last for a while.  As you can see, I was trying to be non-photogenic.

As for our family we continue to go through closets, drawers, and cabinets…we are cleaning out items. I even had to go through my toy box to give away some of my toys. Life is just too important to be anchored to your stuff.

The weather is starting to cool down a little bit and as the daylight fades faster into darkness, fall is upon us. We are very blessed and thankful to all of you out there.

Love and Peace!



The Big Red Truck

IMG_2001The last few weeks I talked about how HOT it was here in Santa Monica….well Casa de Perry has put a new meaning to HOT and it is not flattering but more of parental unit embarrassment.

Yep that’s right folks my Father decided it would be OK to create a recipe with a cast iron skillet. You know where I am going with this don’t you?

The next thing you know the alarm is going off and Dad is flagging this thing on the ceiling and opening up windows. I just looked up and ignored the fan fare.

Life resumed to normal until we heard the sirens.  Since we live in LA it is nothing to hear these cacophony of sounds. However, it kept getting closer and closer…so close in fact it was in the front of the house.  A BIG RED TRUCK in front of our house – HOW FASCINATING!

Next I hear Mom tell Dad that he needed to deal with this. I watched him go outside and have to tell the Big Red truck it was a false alarm.

IMG_1998Oh the pure joy of watching Dad be embarrassed…

Pery 1 – Parental Unit ZERO, oh that should be Dad ZERO

And it’s been a very pleasant 70 degrees in Santa Monica today, so no fires to report on today!

BTW – in case you missed it it was National Puppy Day this week and MY baby picture got lots of likes on Facebook as it should.  I’m posting that picture here just in case you missed it.

Love Perry

Post Christmas Visitor

IMG_3193So this year the parental units decided to stay home. They wanted to have a mellow Christmas. Honestly, I don’t think it was “mellow” as we all spent 4 days cleaning out all the closets, cabinets, and the garage. Dad claims you should clean out 50% of your “stuff” by the time you are 65. I’m not sure why they have to do it now since the parentals have at least a while before that time, but typically everything is organized and planned out at Casa de Perry. That is how we roll.

Yesterday, they decided to set me up with a “lady” friend. I did not have much luck with the Tutu as you might remember so I was hesitant, but since it was not really a date I thought it would be okay.

I’ve met Viva before at her house and now she came to my house while her family was out-of-town. Before she got here I was told ad nauseam that I needed to be a perfect gentlemen, which is code for “don’t be bossy and have manners.”

Let me just tell you this folks…from the moment she arrived she was bossy one. What is this with the bossy ladies people? She stole my toy and sat in my chair all within the first 10 minutes.

I was not going to have any of that so I took her toy and hid it outside. Then I came in and plopped myself on her bed. That will teach her. NOT…she just growled at me and then had the audacity to wag her tail in front of me and go rub up against Dad. He was giving her MY love, attention and affections. Game on Viva!

IMG_3287To top it off the parental’s decided to take this awkward prom photo. As you can see I was not impressed.

Next was mealtime. Yes, she was still here but I had to wait because she took her time while eating. All right, I will give it to her that she does have eating manners, and eats quite lady like which is not my cup of tea.

After a few words of encouragement we were playing outside and that was cool. Then Mom took her for a walk WITHOUT me and then told Dad she was the perfect walker unlike me who is always pulling – isn’t that what walks are all about?

Before long I was getting tired and realized that it was bedtime. WHAT…she is staying the night? Don’t get too excited folks about the sleepover. It was very I Love Lucy with separate beds. However, she did get to sleep closer to Dad’s side.

I was pretty tired but I was able to be a gentlemen. In the middle of the night The Viva stirred and Dad got up to take her out. It was really cold but I wanted to make sure she was OK in the dark so I got up and went out with her.

The next day she was much sweeter to me and we played nicely in the sandbox. We even hung out together and had snacks side by side. AND when another dog walked by the house she joined me at barking at them – how’s that for camaraderie?  I was actually a little sad to see her go but since Mom is friends with her Mom I’m sure I’ll see her soon enough.

So there you have my Christmas “vacation” in a nutshell. At least we were all together and that’s what holidays are about, right?

I hope all of you had a wonderful holiday season and please remember to be safe on New Years Eve.

It’s been quite chilly for Santa Monica the last few days and I may need to start wearing a sweater so send me some cashmere if you can spare it.

Love Perry

Nuttin For Christmas

I can’t wait for Christmas, even though it’s not quite Thanksgiving.

They say I have a “pen addiction” but they just don’t understand – I want to write to my fans and at this time of year I want to especially write to Santa.

I’ve always enjoyed crunching on a good pen or two – I especially like the red ones, since they explode nicely on my lips and it looks like I did conquer my nemesis, PITA, the squirrel.

But I really shouldn’t say that since I would be deemed naughty, and put on “The Blacklist,” the parentals new show which Dad says is intriguing, whatever that means.

So I better be good so I don’t end up like that Barry Gordon song “Nuttin’ For Christmas.”

It was a blustery day in Santa Monica, and all our lips are chapped except mine which are red as well.  I heard the parentals say I might need to go to Pen’s Anonymous but I might be the only one at the meetings, and it might be a pain in my gluteus maximus, which is small by the way.

Later folks!


72 Hours of CRAZINESS…

photo-3Hello People!

As always I love reporting to you the good, challenging and odd things that I encounter, and here is a report of the last 72 hours of my life.

On Thursday Dad picked me up late from my club and we got home around 6:30.  Of course I was STARVING, but then again I am always hunger, so nothing new here.

For the next 3 hours it was phone calls and problem solving because a transmitter had a problem in our neighborhood and it blew out everything – and that is not even an exaggeration.

photo-2The circuit box was blown, the cable box got fried, other appliances in our home were damaged beyond repair and even the outlets needed fixing. It was so bad that people lost large appliances, and smoke was coming out of their outlets. That happened to us also when the electrician man came to help Dad fix our house.

The next day got even crazier: the computer man had to come, the cable people were here and the electricity man. The cable people had to come two days in a row because we had problems and were cut off from the world.

PEOPLE do you understand the severity? I was NOT able to communicate with all of my fans and that was beyond disappointing.

Finally, we had to go to the office to do some computer work. It was great because I love Mom’s office and I got to see lots of folks, but I did get a little bored as you can see from the photo.

Our associate and Mom’s fellow nutritionist friend Victoria Sonoda was there with her new baby Zade. As you can see Dad was giving that little thing much more attention than me and I admit I was more than a bit jealous. But I know I have the parental units hearts so I had to get over myself.

photoOK, hopefully there will be no more challenges as we are all spent and the holiday weekend seems more like a labor weekend. But we all must remember our most challenging day is perhaps another person’s best day.  I figured that out and dug out the advent calendar tonight and decided to take a nap from my long day.

Please continue to be thoughtful of those serving in the world for our freedom.



PS – it’s been quite warm in Santa Monica and the Weather Weimaraner reports 80 degrees today. Please pray for rain as we are in a drought and soon my yard will be completely brown.